
Northeastern Student Interest

About VerdEnergia

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Contact Info:

With the principles of Permaculture as our guiding tool, we seek to transmute the challenges facing our communities into replicable solutions. Our work enables us to find right livelihood through the regeneration and gentle cultivation of the forest we are honored to call home.

About VerdEnergia

Visit UsĀ 

Contact Info:

With the principles of Permaculture as our guiding tool, we seek to transmute the challenges facing our communities into replicable solutions. Our work enables us to find right livelihood through the regeneration and gentle cultivation of the forest we are honored to call home.

Please fill out the form below to apply for our 5 month internship program at VerdEnergia

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You can read our terms and conditions here
Please fill out the form below to register for ourĀ Permaculture Design Certification Course
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Please fill out the form below to apply for a participation position at VerdEnergia.
If instead you are trying to apply for an internship position, please apply here.
Or, if you are trying contact us about upcoming courses, workshops, events or general inquiry, please do so here.
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Using this form is the best way to contact us about upcoming courses, workshops, events or general inquiry.
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